Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Juz to express...

Some people are juz f*cking irritating because she thinks she's the center of the world.

When you think that you deserve more care and love from others, ask yourself are you lovable?

People don't just hate you for no reasons unless they're juz out of jealousy. Try to analyze your personality before you grumble or being pathetic.

The way you talk, the attitude, the manner, the gestures... think of who you are in the eyes of others to know how much you are disliked.

If you are demanding someone to act the way you want, don't forget that people are demanding you too.

Lastly, shut the hell up if you can't say something constructive. Frankly speaking, no one would care how you think so just mind your own business!

P/S: some people are just hopeless!!!

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